Adrenal Fatigue Part I – What is it?

Why is it so difficult to wake up? Why am I so tired? Why can’t I focus? Why can’t I keep the weight off? Why am I so moody and irritable? Have you ever asked yourselves these questions? I did and I did not know the answers.

I did not feel like myself, words that came out of my mouth would never exit my mouth before when I became frustrated and irritated.  Who was this person? . For years I complained about not having enough energy, struggled with my weight and anxiety yet I did not know why. Finally in August 2016 I discovered the answer—adrenal fatigue.

What is adrenal fatigue I asked? I had never heard of it before. Adrenal fatigue is when the adrenal glands can no longer function properly and become deficient. The adrenals secrete small amounts of hormones, particularly cortisol. When we experience too much stress whether it is emotional, physical, environmental or psychological, these secretion of hormones is diminished.

There are many signs or symptoms  for adrenal fatigue. The following are some of the signs: 1.) difficulty getting up in the morning, 2.) brain fog, 3.) lack of energy, 4.) mood swings, 5.) fatigue continues even when sleep is increased, no amount of sleep seems to alleviate the fatigue, 6.) craving salt/salt food, 7.) increased effort in everyday task, 8.) decreased ability to deal with stress, 9.) difficulty fighting infections, increased time to recover from illness, 10.) light-headed when standing up quickly, 11.) mild depression, 12.) less enjoyment or happiness with life, 13.) increased  PMS, 14.) less focus, 15.) memory less accurate, 16.) decreased tolerance, and 17.) decreased productivity. (Dr. James L. Wilson, N.D., D.C., Ph.D. “Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome”).

Adrenal Fatigue has four stages according to Fawne Hansen and Dr. Eric Wood. With each stage, there are various symptoms. As the fatigue worsens so do the symptoms.


Take The Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire


Part 2 – What To Do About It Coming Soon

Time Passes You By, How Do You Get Back Into The Swing Of Things?

You set out with new goals, new dreams and before you know it months have gone by and you are not closer to those goals or dreams. Why?

Perhaps a new goal is to lose weight. You clean out your kitchen and get rid of the junk food. You may hire an expert to help, download an eating plan and/or workout plan, or join a gym.  Everything starts off great. You are excited. The groceries have been bought and you have prepped your meals religiously.  Working out feels good again.  Work gets busier, your children’s activities pick up and before you know it, you are out of the habit. You find yourself not having time for this new way of life.  Remember, before you are able to take care of others, you must take care of yourself.

A dream of owning your own business has been in your heart for sometime yet it has not happened. Why? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the perfect conditions? if you wait for everything to be perfect, your dream will never happen. You may not have everything figured out, take action anyway. Make the time each day to do one thing that takes you closer to your dream.

Finding Your Purpose by Koach Kesta

We all question and wonder just what our purpose is. Am I on the right path? When or how will I know I am doing what God wants me to do in this life? What if I make the wrong choice or go down the wrong path?

I have certainly questioned just why I am here on this earth. Why did God create me? I know God gives me and all of us gifts that are unique to us. These gifts are to be used to bring Him glory and to help us grow closer to Him. After completing a Bible study regarding detours in life, I realize, God takes us on detours to help us grow in our walk with Him as well as to help us develop our skills, passions, and purpose. The path to our destiny or purpose does not go in a straight line rather it goes around curves, bends, up hills and through valleys. Why all of this? This helps us to grow and to be ready for our destiny.

We each have a destiny, a purpose but we must be ready to embrace it. I have often wondered why I did not know what I wanted to do in life or what is my gift. My questions took longer to answer than I wanted because I believe God knew I needed to experience certain things before I would be ready for my destiny. While some questions have been answered others have not–it is a journey–and one I am happy to be on with Lord and Savior.

I have been running since 2011 and I had no idea that this decision to run was going to change my life in so many ways. God brought me to a very critical point this year–he brought me Godspeed Training Group. I am coaching this wonderful group with one of my closest friends.  This group is about exercising our bodies and our faith. I am amazed at what God has done in such a short time.  Had I not experienced ups and downs in my life I would not have been ready for Godspeed.

God needed me to depend on him more and myself less. He used detours so I would be ready for something more amazing, something bigger than I could have imagined. God has used this training group to glorify Him first and foremost as well as to help me grow in my faith, to become more confident. I am learning to open up more and share, which has been an area I really needed to work on. This is only the beginning and I am excited share more with you as things occur.

Be a blessing to those you meet. Show kindness to others.

Run Happy, Finish Strong

Koach Kesta

Alternative Treatments for Addiction: Do They Work? By Kimberly Hayes, Guest Post

Alternative Treatments for Addiction: Do They Work?

Image by Pixabay

Addiction is a relentless foe with countless tools in its arsenal. Fighting it requires an equally diverse range of countermeasures. That’s why in this post we’re going to look at alternative forms of treatment for addictive disorders. We’ll begin by defining what we mean by the phrase “alternative therapy.” We’ll then list some of the more popular therapies and describe how they work. We’ll also mention how diet and exercise are essential parts of any successful recovery plan. You’ll come away better informed about your healthcare options and how to make sound choices for your own well-being. Let’s begin by asking an important question.

What is “Alternative Therapy” Anyway?

The term “alternative therapy” refers to theories and practices that are outside the medical mainstream. These schools of thought are often based on Oriental philosophy or other non-Western viewpoints. Alternative therapies are called “complementary” when used alongside more orthodox approaches, according to the National Institutes on Health. Examples include:

● Auricular acupuncture. This approach uses needles placed at specific points in the ear to relieve withdrawal symptoms like nausea, lightheadedness, and feelings such as anxiety.
● Neurofeedback. This method teaches the client to alter her brain wave patterns, with the intent of relieving emotional pain that can drive addicts towards relapse.
● Meditation. As with neurofeedback, meditation works by altering our brain wave patterns. It induces a reflective mental state that creates heightened joy, clarity and peace, according to Huffington Post.
● Qigong (pronounced “chee-gung”) is similar to Tai Chi in its use of slow, graceful movements and guided meditation to induce a blissful state.
● Yoga. This time-honored form of exercise promotes flexibility and, in many cases, helps with back and neck pain. Many practitioners believe it also relieves the emotional pressures that can derail recovery.

“Do These Treatments Work?”

We wish we had a simple yes-no answer to that question. However, as with so many things in life, the truth defies easy analysis. Here’s why:

● Most alternative treatments have yet to undergo the extensive scientific study researchers apply to mainstream approaches. This doesn’t mean they’re ineffective, merely that researchers need more time to gauge their value. Even the most common medical therapies today, such as antibiotics and anesthesia, were considered fringe approaches when they first appeared.
● Any approach that makes the patient feel better can also help her to stay positive and focused during her recovery, giving her overall benefits. A person’s mental and emotional state has real world consequences for her well-being, regardless of the results that show up during research trials.

In the end, you must decide for yourself whether alternative approaches will help you in your battle against addiction. We present the above information simply to help you make informed decisions about your healthcare. One fact that’s beyond dispute, however, is the role that proper diet and regular exercise play in safeguarding your health.

Eat Right and Exercise is Still the Best Advice

No amount of addiction therapy, of any kind, can help you if you fail to give your body the nutrients and physical activity it needs to function at its best. A healthy diet and a solid exercise program should have these features:

● Include balanced amounts of protein, carbs, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.
● Challenge your body without overtaxing your abilities.
● Work in harmony with your career, family, and self-enrichment priorities.

Please check with your healthcare provider before beginning any treatment program. She can answer your questions and steer you towards options that match your needs and interests. We hope you find the information in this post helpful and we wish you all the best in your recovery efforts.


Kimberly Hayes enjoys writing about health and wellness and created to help keep the public informed about the latest developments in popular health issues and concerns. In addition to studying to become a crisis intervention counselor, Kimberly is hard at work on her new book, which discusses the ins and outs of alternative addiction treatments.

Goals + Positive Mindset = Results

I ran a 5k race Saturday, September 2, 2017. Why is this one different from other races I have ran? My focus.

Training is important regardless of what goals you are working towards and so is your mindset. I am a goal oriented person.  I have always known a positive attitude is better than a negative outlook and have become even more focused on this.  I  recently had discovered a book called “Total Focus” by Brandon Webb, I highly recommend it. I originally bought the book to help me with my business but soon began to apply the message to all areas of my life.

When I started running in 2011, I had a goal of completing a 5k. Then the goal was to run the entire 5k distance without stopping. I soon began to realize finishing a 5k in under 30 minutes was within the realm of possibility. Then health issues kept me from training the way I wanted to this past year and a half; however, once I started healing, I soon realized how strong I was becoming. Strong not only physically, but mentally.  Running is a physical sport but it is 90% mental.

I noticed my self-talk was not as positive as I would like for it to be at times. I would catch myself saying “this is too hard” or “I can’t do this” and then I would watch my goal slip by.  I knew this had to change.  Each time I caught myself starting to have negative thoughts I immediately shut it down. I countered with “I am strong”, ” I am confident”, “I CAN do this”, “Help carry my feet Jesus” and so on.  Soon I began to see a change. I was getting stronger physically as I was running with a friend who was faster than me ; also we were positive influences on each other mentally and spiritually.  God brought us together and I will share that on another post.

Training requires consistency. I made no excuses. I ran four days a weeks with two days of lifting and one rest day. Sometimes I had people to run with me and other times it was simply God and me.  I pushed myself and yes it sucked at times. I had to dig deep and push through the tired legs; push through the fears and embrace the journey. Embrace the fact that the journey is made up of joyous times as well as times when it was not easy.

Soon I began to notice the runs that used to be difficult were getting easier. This gave me confidence. The more confident I became the more I realized my goal would soon become reality.  Another thing I noticed, my positive self-talk was more consistent.  I wasn’t sure when my goal of a sub 30 minute 5k would happen but I knew it would happen and sooner than later.

The night before the race I dreamed of finishing the race in 29:50. Why this particular number I have no idea.  I ran a few miles before the race to warm-up. The race was not a flat course, sure I was nervous and wondered if I could achieve my goal. I just kept thinking positive and was going to have fun. The race began and before I knew it I was at mile one which by the way you after that you climb a HILL. I charged up that hill–it was not going to stop me. I kept this friend of mind in site and decided I am chasing her down (I knew she could run a sub 30 5k). The weather got warm but I squashed any negative thoughts. I kept repeating the time I wanted to finish and my positive affirmations in my mind. Finally the last turn to the finish and I saw the race clock. Crossed the finish line and looked at my watch—what was my finish time: 29:50.9 (my official time was 29:51). I had done it! I also placed third in my age group. My husband got first in his age group. Thankful we get to do this together.

The feeling I had when I realized I had met my long-time goal on a course that had been a struggle for me in the past—overwhelming joy! All the glory to God, for none of this is possible without him.

Goals are great. I also have to have fun. The people I am blessed to meet along the way and develop friendships with are such a blessing and keep me going.

Embracing Life

Embracing Life

Posted by runningwithkoachkesta on October 17, 2016

This year has been an interesting one. I never would have imagined that 2016 would have been full of amazing opportunities and challenges. Starting at the end of March, I noticed I was experiencing some different health issues. Then in May I decided to enroll in a course to become a Certified Health Coach in hopes of learning how to help myself and others.

The journey of learning at first was scary and I wasn’t sure if I had made the right decision. I was working two part-time jobs and coaching a running group, did I really have time for one more thing? I trusted God had put me on this path for a reason, He had a specific purpose for this journey.

Fear had taken hold and I didn’t know how to shake it. I continued to pray and trust God had a purpose for my life and for this school. I feared I wouldn’t be good enough or remember enough in order to help others. I thought I had to know everything. I finally realized, I didn’t have to know everything. What I did realize was I needed to prioritize and find more balance in my life; once I did things began to fall into place.

The course is teaching me 100 dietary theories, information on functional medicine, and much more. I began seeing a naturopathic doctor a few months ago and I have learned so much. My energy levels were so low and I found out I had adrenal fatigue. My doctor recommended certain supplements, rest, restorative yoga, as well I could still run and lift weights but had to modify my activity. I am slowly learning to find balance and some days I feel great and others I am drained. While I eat well and exercise, I am reminded that rest is equally important.

I knew I needed to make some changes so I would not be running in circles. I now will be working one full-time job and still coaching. I had options of which position I wanted. The old me would have taken a position with more responsibilities and stress; however, the new me decided to keep the same position just more hours since I truly enjoy my job and I will have the energy to enjoy the things outside of work. I am choosing happiness. I will have time to work, exercise, coach and work on building my business while maintaining a healthy balance.