Embracing Life
Posted by runningwithkoachkesta on October 17, 2016
This year has been an interesting one. I never would have imagined that 2016 would have been full of amazing opportunities and challenges. Starting at the end of March, I noticed I was experiencing some different health issues. Then in May I decided to enroll in a course to become a Certified Health Coach in hopes of learning how to help myself and others.
The journey of learning at first was scary and I wasn’t sure if I had made the right decision. I was working two part-time jobs and coaching a running group, did I really have time for one more thing? I trusted God had put me on this path for a reason, He had a specific purpose for this journey.
Fear had taken hold and I didn’t know how to shake it. I continued to pray and trust God had a purpose for my life and for this school. I feared I wouldn’t be good enough or remember enough in order to help others. I thought I had to know everything. I finally realized, I didn’t have to know everything. What I did realize was I needed to prioritize and find more balance in my life; once I did things began to fall into place.
The course is teaching me 100 dietary theories, information on functional medicine, and much more. I began seeing a naturopathic doctor a few months ago and I have learned so much. My energy levels were so low and I found out I had adrenal fatigue. My doctor recommended certain supplements, rest, restorative yoga, as well I could still run and lift weights but had to modify my activity. I am slowly learning to find balance and some days I feel great and others I am drained. While I eat well and exercise, I am reminded that rest is equally important.
I knew I needed to make some changes so I would not be running in circles. I now will be working one full-time job and still coaching. I had options of which position I wanted. The old me would have taken a position with more responsibilities and stress; however, the new me decided to keep the same position just more hours since I truly enjoy my job and I will have the energy to enjoy the things outside of work. I am choosing happiness. I will have time to work, exercise, coach and work on building my business while maintaining a healthy balance.